Welcome to SWOLBI

The Bible Institute of Salvation Ministries


Basic Certificate Course

As the name implies, the BCC is about the fundamental or essential principles that will enable believers to become grounded in all facets of life.

Advanced Certificate Course

The Advanced Certificate Course (ACC) programme will give you a deeper level of insight and help you become a giant in your field.

Diploma Certificate Course

The Diploma Certificate Course is the last in this series and seeks to expose you to a higher level of scriptural understanding.

One Year Diploma Course

This programme is designed for those who want to go into ministry or have the calling. It is designed to give you an in-depth training of all that is expected.

Who Are We?

The Salvation Word Of Life Bible Institute popularly called S-WOLBI is one of the educational arms of Salvation Ministries, Home of Success. It is exclusively for the training of men, women, and youths in the Word of God for purposeful living.

The motto of the institute, “Follow God’s principles and become a principal figure in life”, is in line with the pursuit of the visionary mandate given to God’s servant, Pastor David Ibiyeomie to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth.

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Learning with MasterStudy is fun and addictive. Earn points for correct answers, race against the clock.

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Contact Information

17 Birabi Street,
GRA, Phase 1, Port Harcourt, Rivers State,
+1 (888) 323-3551
+1 (819) 777-3788
Email: swolbi@smhos.org
Email: wolbi@smhos.org